15th September 2021 – Charpak Sponsors The Ben Society Golf Day
The Coronavirus Pandemic has had a devastating effect in terms of health and financial hardship and continues to impact the licensed trade sector.
For over 150 years, the BEN (The Scottish drinks industry charity) has been helping people in need who have worked within the Scottish Licensed Trade.
Charpak were asked if they could help and jumped at the chance to sponsor one of their charity golf days.
Mar Hall Golf & Spa Resort is located in ancient woodland near Glasgow and provided a beautiful backdrop for the event.
The day started with a breakfast of bacon rolls where Charpak provided all the golfers with goodie bags containing Titleist balls, golf tees and snacks.
18 teams of 4, including Charpak’s Paul Smith, Gary Smith and Jonathan Pearson, took to the course to compete in the golf competition using the Stableford scoring system, after an interesting round Charpak came in a respectable 5th place.
Before the afternoon prize giving, the participants all enjoyed a two-course meal, where Hotel Chocolat kindly provided the dessert in the form of custom-made chocolate golf balls in bespoke Charpak packaging.
“We raised circa £9,200 which will be utilised to assist many needy individuals within the licensed trade in the coming months.
Again, a big thank you to Charpak Ltd for your sponsorship and we look forward to next year’s event.”
Alasdair Moore, BEN Society Ambassador